Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, September 30
Today started out well. Two more emails from hubby. :-) Wish I could give him a big hug but I'll just look at the moon every night and think of him knowing he's thinking of me too. :-)
Last night Josh and I were watching Thomas the Tank Engine. He saw Thomas come on and said "Thomas". :-) He's so cute.
Meeting up with a few friends from the old job for lunch today. That should be nice. I haven't seen them in awhile.
Well no nap again today. He had a 20 minute power nap when we got home but that's it. Kind of cranky but that's normal.
I took some vide of him tonight but unfortunately when I finally got it rotated ina format thsi will accept it's really small. At least you can see him. :-)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 29
Then I got not just one but 2 emails from hubby. :-) That's all I needed. Made me smile and of course he put something mushy in there too. I'm so lucky!
When I got home I thought the boy would crash right away because I don't believe he had a nap. Well it's now after 7 and he's still up! He ate his spaghetti and meatballs for dinner even tried to help mommy clean off his tray with the dish cloth! Then he had some frozen strawberry stuff. He's had his bubble bath and has his jammies on but isn't quite ready for bed yet. Soon - I think. :-)
Monday, September 29
Picked up Josh and he was tired but not too cranky. We played outside for awhile and then came in to eat. Was a little picky with food so I gave him some ice cream. I think he had eaten some tater tots before I got him so maybe he just wasn't hungry. We played outside a bit then. When it started to get dark and he started to get cranky he got a bubble bath and went to bed. Not as much time with him as I'd like but at least I got some. We stopped and looked at the pictures on the wall and he pointed out everybody. Started with Daddy. :-)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 27
This morning he wanted to go shopping. I think he's a little confused about what's supposed to be in the shopping cart.

As he was eating his dinner tonight he'd take a bite an say "Mmm...mummy!" instead of "Mmm...yummy!". Of course mommy had to laugh at him.
Then we went outside and he played on his tractor. I think we have a minature Evil Kneival here. Mommy didn't let him ride like this for long but it was kind of funny. He wanted mommy to sit on the seat. LOL
We went to walMart today and spent some of his birthday money. He's relaxing before going to bed. He also got a little wrapped up in Spiderman didn't he?

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday, September 26

Then we did some laundry. He likes to help put things in the dryer. So while he was playing and putting things in the dryer I took the other load out and stated to fold them in another room. When I went back to start the dryer it went thump, thump, thump. Hmm - what could that be?Since he does seem to have a shoe fettish I assumed that's what was in there. Uh - no. Any guesses? It was his pumpkin! Silly boy!
Next he decided he was getting tired but not tired enough for night night. He did find a nice comfy spot in the living room to try and nap. What do you think?

Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, September 25
I have a few little things to do today between naps - laundry, clean off the table, get the DVD recorder set-up to record some Eagles games for hubby, etc. Naps are mpost important though.
I've just realized I can't watch family Fued while home sick. Evertime they reveal an answer at the end the dog barks or growls thinking it's the door bell I guess. Maybe he's finally turning into a guard dog. LOL