We did try to teach him some Christmas songs on the way down. He thinks it's very funny to hear Nena and mommy singing. Not sure if it's because we say the same thing at the same time or if it's because of how wonderfully we sing. :-) He will say Jingle Bells and sometimes the "hey" part and he likes Deck the Halls with the Fa la la la part. LOL
We got up and ate breakfast and left there at 7am. Ended up in Myrtle Beach around 2pm. Had a few stops for the boy. We took him to the beach and he was afraid of the waves. Poor guy. Loved the sand but kept picking up sticks and things. Ick! I was afraid he'd try to eat them.
This is our room. Nice huh?! Mom said she wants an apartment this size!
Ah - the view...
Yesterday we went to the beach again. Thought we'd try it again when Josh wasn't so sleepy. Uh no. Still afraid of the waves. So we went to the pool. He really liked that. He had his floaties on and I think that helped. He still wanted to hang on me but after awhile would float a little on his own with me close by.

We did a repeat of yesterday today with the pool. That was nice and relaxing but someone seemed ready for a nap so we left and tried to nap. he wouldn't nap at all! Oh well.
We also went to Broadway at the Beach yesterday. Josh had a good time playing on the dinosaurs. :-)
Today we went to the Japanese steakhouse for dinner. Even with no nap he did very well. He didn't throw too much food and was pretty well behaved. He even ate some shrimp and a little steak. :-) He did really well and only threw food once one the grill. :-) It didn't touch anything else and wasn't eaten off of so all was good. He's getting a bubble bath now.
Right now I'm waiting for the rest of the "girls" to get here for the Cross Stitch Pals convention festivities for the evening. I was off by half an hour of when the start time was but at least I have some peace and quiet - something I don't get much of lately - and a few minutes to update the blog. Hope you enjoy the pictures and videos. I'll update more later.
I love Josh bustin' that dino. :) And, for the record, I'll take that view out of your room.